Different, to Make a Difference
Annual Fund 2023-2024

USL students are true to themselves and use their unique perspectives, talents, and ideas to bring about positive change and make a difference in the world.
Why Give to The USL Annual Fund?
The Annual Fund is vital to operating the University School of the Lowcountry.
Tuition covers 90% of USL’s operating costs. Fundraising, including the Annual Fund, is needed to make up the difference to fund educational programs like Learning Outside the Classroom experiences.
Annual Giving is an investment in our students and teachers.
USL students consistently outperform their peers at both local and regional levels. Annual Fund gifts support aspects of USL’s non-traditional educational model nurturing high-achieving students prepared for the world.
Annual Giving makes an impact today.
It allows USL to remain adaptable and innovative while ensuring that the school’s immediate needs are met while planning for a brighter future.
Annual Gifts are unrestricted, allowing the leadership to use the gifts on strategic priorities and the most pressing needs while also enhancing the USL experience with cultural initiatives like wellness programs and events that foster a sense of community.
Philanthropic gifts to the Annual Fund enable USL to provide a high-quality education and contribute positively to our local community. It’s a collaborative effort where everyone’s contributions, regardless of size, come together to create a significant impact.

Education Beyond Classroom Walls
USL Annual Fund Impact
Upper School:
– 30% of students are dual enrolled at College of Charleston (photo, right)
– Upper School Teacher of the Year named for 2023

Middle School:
– Middle School Math Teacher of the Year for 2023 (photo, left)
– Professional Development for faculty advancing library studies and language arts
Intermediate School:
– Immersive experiential learning experience at Green River Preserve (photo, right)
– Additional Microsoft Surface Devices

Experiential Learning:
– MS Upstate Trip and US Canadian trip (photo, left) provided intensive learning experiences
– Weekly Learning Outside the Classroom experiences ranging from cultural museums to Naturalization Ceremony
– 500+ Day of Caring service hours serving area seniors, nonprofits, and local schools
Enhancing the USL Experience:
– 100% of award-winning faculty retained through support and cost-of-living increases
– Hired teaching staff for math and English enabling a new journalism class offering
– Provided reliable and safe bus transportation to regional LOTC sites (photo, right)

Revenue Streams

Contribution Breakdown

Are you ready to make a USL difference?
- Attract and retain award-winning faculty
- Develop unparalleled experiential learning curriculum
- Invest in an exceptional USL experience
- Build the endowment to ensure a sustainable future
Support us today
University School of the Lowcountry © 2007 – 2023