An award-winning independent school in Mount Pleasant, SC

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

University School serves students in grades 3-12.

We have approximately 85 students across grades 3-12. Our current structure allows for the enrollment of up to 100 students.

University School was established in 2007. To find out more about the school’s early days, read our History.

An LOTC is our Learning Outside the Classroom program. Students have weekly experiences outside of the four walls of a classroom. These experiences include field trips, guest speakers, special ceremonies, and life experiences. For more information on this experiential learning program, read all about our Learning Outside of the Classroom program.

Since 2007, at 30-35 experiences a year, we have been to SO MANY places! There are 600+ total field trips in USL school history.

University School of the Lowcountry is a nonsectarian school. We are not affiliated with any religious sect or political group.

It works well for the school and church and makes sense. We use the physical buildings at Hibben United Methodist Church in Mount Pleasant during the school day when there are few church activities. The location is central to many of our LOTCs. 

Yes! After reading the research that shows how daily physical activity impacts students learning, we are committed to the health and wellness of our students. For more information on this commitment, please read about Student Development at University School.

The Skill Wheel gives students rankings and narrative comments over grades. Skill Wheels provide clear and specific feedback on strengths and weaknesses. Students average their scores in each specific skill and then sort them from strongest to weakest. Students reflect on the difference between their self-evaluations on the Skill Wheel from August (and continuing students from prior years), examine the rankings, and then address their plan for improving their weaknesses. We provide the questions that all students must reflect upon and answer. We put a lot of time and thought into evaluating the students, and we expect them to thoughtfully consider and respond so they can learn and grow.

Our students do very well compared to other schools locally and nationally. We are a small school whose population often shines on standardized assessments. We often stand out in local, state, and regional competitions.

Most of the time, the answer is yes. However, we believe you are adding your presence to our school community, so you will most likely accompany a group of students you may not know yet. We believe in the value of getting to know your child’s peers and them getting to know other parents. 

At USL, we do not offer formal educational accommodations. We focus on providing personalized instruction and support within our existing framework. Our dedicated faculty and staff work closely with students to meet their unique learning needs and promote academic success. For more information, please contact our School Counselor Winnie Chapey via email.

YES! AND thus far, 100% of the dual credits earned at the College of Charleston have transferred to a student’s chosen school. Taking classes in a college classroom with a wide array of other students from a professor is more reflective of a college experience. The students have soared and received deserved confidence boosts from their performance with current college students. 

We’d LOVE to meet you and your child! You can learn more about How to Apply on our website.

University School does not facilitate on-campus sports teams; however enrolled students are eligible to try-out, participate and compete in sports teams hosted by the public school they are zoned for in Charleston and neighboring counties. This eligibility was enacted as law in the summer of 2024. For more information, please refer to this 8/28/24 SCISA-sponsored update.

Updated May 17, 2024