A Letter from our Head of School

Dear Friends of USL,
University School is a dream come true. Our community of educators and families has shared in the creation of something truly special.
I tell our community that University School was created to be what I needed when I was young…
A warm and loving environment with clear discipline and high expectations. A place where students benefit from the joys that come from mentoring (and being loved for being you) and from looking up to and being inspired by caring older students.
A school where students are supported and challenged with an eye to the future and adulthood.
We have created a community where students are not confined within four walls, only knowing students their age and their teachers — instead University School is a home base from which students venture forth to see the world with their own eyes, and yes, even some things they are initially not interested in!
University School is a place that hosts outside experts to learn about all sorts of careers and paths to adulthood. We have consciously created an environment that cultivates the individual while instilling a sense of collective responsibility and service to others.
We are a school focused on daily and lifelong health and wellness. A safe place with no room for bullies. This means our students don’t have to be slowly worn down over the years by worrying about whether they are safe, whether learning is really valued here, or enduring moments of caustic behavior that sometimes Americans abide and chalk up to as “the real world.”
We strive for University School of the Lowcountry to be a place that is better than the real world. We know our students will encounter hard times, will fail, and will see first-hand the challenges that face all of us. All of this is tempered by the daily spirit of hope and optimism that comes from seeing the good in people, helping them on their way, serving others, and developing oneself and helping others on their way.
As a school community, we have succeeded in this.
I see it traveling with the Upper School students and the Middle School students on our divisional multi-day trips.
Can I convince you that I love every minute of the extended division trips and all of our other trips? Watching the students treat each other, the other adults, and the people we encounter on the way with civility, dignity, and curiosity causes my heart to overflow every day.
We are all daily buoyed by outsiders showering us with effusive feedback about how our students are doing in the public arena — behavior, intellect, curiosity, and kindness among others.
I needed a place like this but didn’t have it. So, I want our students (including my personal children), our teachers, and our parents to contribute to and benefit from being a member of our special community. I am proud and grateful for what University School provides. I am eager to share University School with you.
Thank you,

A committed team of innovative leaders focused on a shared vision.

Jason joins USL faculty and staff members on a special Harry Potter-themed Mentor Night.

Jason and USL Middle School students enjoy an inspiring visit to The King Center in Atlanta.