Our students and families find their way to University School because they feel their child’s love of learning is faltering. They want a kind and positive culture where their child is known, a community where learning and curiosity are celebrated with amazing teachers, and a school that features a comprehensive education enriched with regular new experiences (weekly field trips) and more. You may know a family wrestling with this as the new school year gets underway. Please let them know it is not (and is never) too late. They can reach out to us anytime to begin a conversation and explore all that may be possible for their child.
2025 Admission Open House schedule:
January 9th
February 4th
February 19th
All Admission Open Houses take place on USL campus at 690 Coleman Blvd starting in the gymnasium, include a brief presentation by the Head of School Jason Kreutner and a student-led tour.
Please contact Tasha Tirpak to register. Light refreshments available.