3 Admissions Open Houses in early 2025
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Our students and families find their way to University School because they feel their child’s love of learning is faltering. They want a kind and positive culture where their child is known, a community where learning and curiosity are celebrated with amazing teachers, and a school that features ...

Skill Wheels- a unique assessment tool
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(excerpted from the 24-25 Primer) Skill Wheels are a unique student assessment tool in which students are evaluated by their teachers on a quarterly basis, assessing 20+ skills. This culminates in a process of reflection to examine, sort, and build goals for the next quarter using feedback from ...

Annual Winter Exploration of Faiths
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Deepening our understanding of others through faith exploration is one of the signature programs that sets University School of the Lowcountry apart from other schools. At USL, we learn firsthand about the many different faiths and faith practices of our neighbors. To prepare to be better-informed citizens of ...

USL Admissions Open Houses
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If you have a student who is smart, curious, and compassionate, University School of the Lowcountry could be an ideal place for them to learn and grow. You are invited to join us for an Admissions Open House for prospective students and families for the 2025-2026 school year ...

12th Grade Graduation
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The 12th-grade graduation ceremony is traditionally held in Hibben’s Sanctuary, and it includes end-of-year remarks honoring our faculty, award presentations, speeches from the graduates, slideshows, and the bestowing of diplomas. What a day it is each year to celebrate a new and amazing cohort of young people! Empowered with ...

Annual Day of Caring- 17th year!
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University School of the Lowcountry took part in the Trident United Way’s Day of Caring on November 22; this was our 17th consecutive year of participating. We contributed 700+ hours of service to our community! This national effort powerfully resonates in the Charleston area: the TUW has traditionally had some of the largest number of projects and volunteers among all United Way chapters over the last 20 ...

Teaching Etiquette
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USL’s experiential learning model incorporates soft skills in addition to the integrated coursework that one would think. Making eye contact, small talk, and shaking hands with individuals we meet is all part of our holistic approach to a USL education. By teaching and practicing these small gestures of etiquette, students ...

Annual Civics and Election Day Prep
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Becoming an informed voter is a lifelong process of learning. AT USL, we do not shy away from examining politics. We do examine the platforms and policies of all parties. We invite guest speakers from every political party to join us on campus, share their ideas, and answer our questions. ...

USL Traditions: Pumpkin Patch
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Each year, USL students and parents join with the Hibben UMC community to unload and arrange the pumpkins on the lawn facing Coleman Blvd. Afterwards everyone enjoys a free pizza dinner! This is a great annual tradition! Students are welcome to remain after dismissal under our supervision until the pumpkin unloading begins/parents arrive to help or pick children up. Please bring a ...