Congratulations to the team: Killian Fillippa, Ben Flessas, Frank Gibbes, Oakley Halpern, Waverly Lansford, and Clay Slaughter. They went undefeated against Porter-Gaud, St. Anthony’s (Florence), and Wilson Hall (Sumter)!
This is our eighth year of competing in Middle School Quiz Bowl. This is our first State Championship. We’ve won six Region Championships and been State Runners-up twice.
Thanks to Mrs. Thompson for helping coach the team (on maternity leave), to all of the Upper School team members for leading and preparing them, and to US team member Leo Vaglienti for assisting as a mentor/coach at today’s competition. We also appreciate IS Lead Teacher Randy Straff for helping the team practice over the past week.
We are grateful to all of the faculty for instilling a broad array of knowledge in the students which was reflected in all of the games and our practices. The mentoring and empathetic culture of University School also meant a lot. There was a lot of help and effort from others over the past months and years to help refine the skills of the members of the Quiz Bowl team. The students also were good sports, thanked our hosts, thoroughly cleaned up our outside space and the competition room, and put everything away after arriving back on campus.
We appreciated the safety protocols that SCISA put in place to make the teams feel comfortable and able to focus on having a good time playing with other trivia-loving students.