An award-winning independent school in Mount Pleasant, SC

Host a Job Shadow

Please fill out the below questions to help build our reference list for Job Shadow hosts.  We are so lucky to have so many parents working in a variety of professions and we would love to utilize any opportunities we can through our parent network! Thank you so much to everyone helping make our Job Shadow program so wonderful!

Your Name(Required)

Your Business/Organization and the Job Shadow Experience

Please tell us about your business or organization and the Job Shadow experience it can provide to help us determine whether it is a good fit for a University School student.
At USL, the world is our classroom, so your location doesn’t matter! Knowing where your business or organization is located helps with our planning.
Please tell us which division(s) a job shadow at your business or organization is best suited for.(Required)
What day(s) of the week work(s) best to host a USL student?(Required)
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