An award-winning independent school in Mount Pleasant, SC


alumni profile william eustis

USL Alumni, William Eustis, Embarks on a New Career

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USL Alumni William Eustis MS ’15 recently shared an update of what’s happening in his world. I just graduated from the University of Illinois in December 2023. I majored in Computer Engineering. My focus and research at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications was on the design and ...

usl alum profile kristina woodward

USL Alum Kristina Woodward has a New Novel in the Works

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Years at USL: 2015 – 2019 I’m currently a senior at Belmont, graduating in Fall of 2023. I’m having an extra semester because I switched my major. I’m now an English major with a concentration of Creative Writing, and a minor in Publishing. I was the graduating class ...